Hi everyone,
Registration for this summer’s Modified Junior Lifeguard Program will open tomorrow night (Friday, June 12, 2020) at midnight (beginning of June 13th). Registration will be for returning junior lifeguards only. As you know, the AM sessions will fill up fast and there are limited spots available as junior lifeguards that registered in March have been given priority.
If you do not get into the session of your choice, you may be placed on a waiting list in the order that you have registered. Unfortunately, you will need to pay your registration to be placed on the list but you will receive a full refund if we are unable to accommodate you.
Registration instructions are listed below.
*If you have any problems or questions, please do not call any of the City’s Community Centers, they do not have information about our registration process. Respond to this email if you have any questions or call Kyle Morita at 714 375-5075.
To begin registration, follow these steps:
1. Go to the following website: www.hbsands.org
2. All returning junior lifeguard families have a household account that you set up last year that you will need to login at.
3. Once you’ve logged on, find the Junior Lifeguard Registration Class Activity Number. There are a few ways to do this. You can search for the class by clicking on the “Search Programs” button. The activity number to register is 900001 and the age of your junior lifeguard and the session time (AM or PM) will determine the section number that you sign up for.
4. The following is a list of the different section numbers for the different groups:
Activity Numbers:
900001-A1 for AM “A” Group Age 14-17
900001-A2 for PM “A” Group Age 14-17
900001-B1 for AM “B” Group Age 12-13
900001-B2 for PM “B” Group Age 12-13
900001-C1 for AM “C” Group Age 9-11
900001-C2 for PM “C” Group Age 9-11
5. Once you’ve found the section that you’d like to enroll in, click on the shopping cart icon next to it. Note – you may only enroll in the section that matches your child’s age as of July 1st.
6. Next, click on the “Enroll Now” button that pops up at the bottom of the page.
7. Next, select who you are enrolling into the section by clicking on the box with their name. Click “Add to cart”.
8. Carefully read the Activity Waiver which includes release and hold harmless and photography waivers and click on the agree button. There will also be waivers specific to COVID 19 that you will need to sign at a later date.
9. You must answer the next questions to provide us with two emergency contacts other than yourself.
10. The next page will begin your check out. You’ll need to change the “Credit Card Type” to “Visa/Mastercard/Discover”, then “Continue”.
11. Next, fill out your credit card information and “Submit Payment”.
12. Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed online registration. You may print out your own confirmation receipt and it will also show in your shopping history that you are now enrolled in both 900000-00 (JG Tryouts) and 900001 (JG Registration).
If you have any questions, respond to this email or email us at: juniorguard@surfcity-hb.org The office number is (714) 374-1501.
Thank you for your understanding and patience during this process.
Kyle Morita