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New Additions to the HBFD Junior Lifeguard Team

The Huntington Beach Fire Department Marine Safety Division is pleased to announce two new appointments for the Junior Lifeguard Program: Jachin Hamborg as Administrative Captain and Samantha Dieterman as Junior Lifeguard Program Coordinator 1.

Jachin Hamborg is the first Administrative Captain of the Junior Lifeguard Program and Community Risk Reduction. Hamborg has been with the Marine Safety Division since 2010. He was hired as a Recurrent Ocean Lifeguard and has since promoted through the ranks to Marine Safety Captain. Hamborg has served as the Division’s EMS coordinator in addition to implementing a successful lifeguard mentorship program for new hires. He has also served in other roles, which includes cadre member for various Marine Safety academies, HBFD Water Survival instructor, and a Surfers Awareness in Lifesaving Techniques (SALT) instructor. Prior to becoming an Ocean Lifeguard, Hamborg spent seven years as a Junior Lifeguard Program participant that culminated with being selected to the program’s elite Captains Corps. Hamborg has a Bachelor’s of Arts in Geography from University of California, Santa Barbara. He lives in Huntington Beach with his wife Sarah. In his off time, you can find him surfing big waves and globetrotting with his wife. Please congratulate and support Hamborg in his new role overseeing our premier education-based youth program and other community risk reduction endeavors.

Samantha Dieterman promoted to the Junior Lifeguard Program Coordinator 1. Dieterman started as an Ocean Lifeguard in 1988 and promoted to Junior Lifeguard Instructor in 1992. In her time with the program, Dieterman spent many years as a “B” group instructor and took over the Captain Corps in 2013, and has been instrumental in setting and maintaining a high standard for the Captain Corps students by implementing various life skills curriculum into the programming. Dieterman promoted to group leader in 2019. In 2021, she was appointed as the Junior Lifeguard Program Public Information Officer and enthusiastically enhanced the program’s communication efforts with parents and community stakeholders. Dieterman’s background includes experience managing and coaching youth sports programs in addition to working in various capacities with Big Bear Mountain Resort to include marketing, patrol, and ski school. She also maintains extensive experience related to optimizing communications platforms for organizations and has set very high standards with regard to establishing and maintaining relationships with customers and parents. Dieterman lives in Cypress with her husband and two teenage boys. Please join us in congratulating her in her new position.

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