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Tryout for April 10th sign ups

Hi HBFD Junior Lifeguard Families,

We would like to reach out to you. You are the best resource to pass along this information regarding the 2021 HBFD Junior Lifeguard Tryouts. If you know any families who plan to be with us this summer, then please send them this link.

Your support is greatly appreciated.

Please use the link to reserve a spot at the April 10, 2021 Tryout at Golden West College.

In an effort to control flow and for safety measures during COVID-19, we are providing a system to help maintain distancing.

If you’re interested in the AM C or AM B session, a lottery will be held at the end of May which will determine who gets into the AM session. Once returning junior lifeguards and siblings of current guards are accommodated, the remaining spots will be available through lottery. A child’s swim time or the tryout date you attend has no bearing on whether you get a place in the AM session.

Please abide by the following guidelines during the event: Only one adult may accompany a child participating in the event. Face coverings must be worn at all times. Participants must arrive ready to enter the pool, deck changing is not permitted. Please remain in your vehicle until your appointment time.

See you on the deck,

Huntington Beach Fire Department Junior Lifeguard Program

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